The room 3701 is now usable again for students of the departments Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Geosciences.

Please note that due to fire safety regulations, only a maximum of 30 people is allowed in this room.
In the room 2710, a maximum of 40 people is allowed in the room, as before.

Please behave quietly and respectfully towards your fellow students in these rooms.

If you haven't used your student ID to open yet, sign up for it at the link below!
Good luck with your studies! 🍀😊


In general, the following applies to the drawing rooms and seminar rooms:

❗️ The number of people allowed is limited in some cases. Therefore, PLEASE DO NOT BRING IN ANY ADDITIONAL CHAIRS! Please adhere to this so that we can continue to provide the rooms ❗️

Respectful behavior is generally expected in the rooms, towards other fellow students as well as the room itself. Please do not leave any mess and dispose of your rubbish independently, including returning bottles to the student council or taking them back with you. 🗑️ 🧃


The silent rooms (3701/2710/2601/2605) are intended for individual work, and a quiet atmosphere should prevail. 🤫

The group room (N1160) is primarily intended for group work, but please be mindful of your noise level so that everyone can learn successfully.


The drawing rooms are accessible with an activated TUM card:

3701 - 30 people

2710 - 40 people



In addition to the drawing rooms, two seminar rooms (which are also silent rooms) are available during the lecture-free period.



These rooms are used for events and exams at times.

Please vacate the rooms in advance.