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Climate, Education, Democracy! 🌍📚💬

November 4, 2024 - November 8, 2024

Hey everyone!

From November 4th to November 8th, the Public Climate School (PCS) is
happening at TUM under the motto „Climate, Education, Democracy.“ The
PCS is a Germany-wide campaign focused on bringing climate education and
sustainability to universities, schools, and society as a whole.
At TUM, we, the Environmental Department of the student representation
and the Sustanaibility Office, have organized a full week of lectures
centered around climate justice, sustainability, and democratic
education. Many of these are your usual lectures, but next week they’ll
focus on sustainability and climate-related topics! Find the full list
of lectures, including times and locations, here:
For all details on PCS, plus ways to join in and get involved, visit:
https://publicclimateschool.de/ 🌱


November 4, 2024
November 8, 2024