Fachschaft Bau Geo Umwelt

Welcome to the School of Engineering and Design at the TU Munich

We will be accompanying you during your first steps at the university.

We have put together a varied program for the first few days.

Please note!
Some dates and program points are not yet fixed and can therefore not yet be added here. As soon as the organization behind it is finished, the points will be added here. Current state of knowledge (24.06.2024).

Info Mathematics preliminary course

Dear first semester students,

The School of Engineering and Design is once again offering a preliminary mathematics course for the winter semester 24/25. This preliminary course is voluntary and includes the basics of mathematics.

The preliminary course starts on tbd.


The preliminary course in German will take place at the TUM Campus in Garching (more detailed information will follow)

The preliminary course in English takes place at the TUM Campus in the city center (more information to follow)

The preliminary course is structured as follows: Lecture in the morning; short break; lunch/afternoon exercises/independent solving of exercises in groups.

You will find more information and registration links here (link from 2023/24)









Introductory Event


Carl von Linde Hörsaal


 Bartour 1   
 Bartour 2   
 Fresher’s cabin   
 City ralley   
 Beer mile   

Further Information

  • Fit-for-TUM, which is expected to offer various virtual lectures from October 7 to 10, will provide information on other important topics related to studying, such as housing, student financing or sports. You can find more information and registration details on their website from July 2024.
  • As the examinations at TUM always take place during the lecture-free period and the actual free time is therefore rather limited, we recommend completing the mandatory internship as far as possible before the start of your studies. Further information can also be found on the website of the Internship Office at


  • For further questions, send us an email: ersti.fsbgu@ed.tum.de 
  • Instagram: @fsbgu
  • just drop by the student council in the north building. You can find us here.
