Fachschaft Bau Geo Umwelt

Bau Geo Umwelt


As part of the student association, we represent all students in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

This means all students of the Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering programs, both Bachelor and Master.
You can find out more about us here

University Politics (UniPol)

As student representatives, we represent your interests to the faculty, university and many more.

First-year students

To help you start your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree smoothly, you’ll find plenty of information here about your courses, introductory events, and much more.


Fachschaftsseminar SoSe 24 at Lügsteinsee

In the summer semester of 2024, the student association spent a weekend with 18 participants at Lake Lügstein. On Friday, after traveling by train and...

Upcoming Events

There is no Event

Student Association

Herzlich Willkommen auf der Seite der Fachschaft Bau, Geo und Umwelt des “Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering”. We are the Student Representatives for Civil, Geo and...


As your student representatives, it is our role to advocate on your behalf with the university. To fulfill this responsibility, you elect student representatives each year during the university...


We would like to support you both at the beginning and throughout your studies. You can find our past exam sales, locker rentals, printing services, and more at servicesIn this...


In addition to our responsibilities as student representatives at the university, we offer several services designed to make your student life easier and hopefully add some fun to your studies...

Jobs (EN)

Alongside your studies For Students At some point during your studies, you will likely need to establish connections with the business world – whether it’s for an internship, a working...


We, the FSBGU, are a registered association. Therefore, we also have an executive board that handles all matters related to the association, including communication and coordination. The current...

If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, feel free to send us an e-mail: info.fsbgu@ed.tum.de

Phone: +49 89 289 22995
Adress: Theresienstr. 90, 80333 München //  Navi.tum
